Young Professionals Program Course Evaluation Please complete this form for each course you evaluate. COURSE DETAILCourse Number* Course Title* Speaker(s)*Evaluator Name* First Last COURSE EVALUATIONSPEAKER KNOWLEDGE/PROFESSIONALISMThe lecturer(s) was knowledgeable, engaged the audience during the presentation, was organized and professional.* Yes No CommentsPRESENTATIONDid the course title, abstract and course outline reflect the actual presentation?* Yes No CommentsCOURSE CONTENTWere there any errors in the material presented?* Yes No Was the material up to date and include recent research finding where appropriate?* Yes No CommentsFAIR AND BALANCED CONTENTWas this course fair, balanced and free from commercial bias?* Yes No CommentsI believe that my Knowledge/Confidence/Clinical Skills/Management Skills has/have been enhanced as a result of this course.*Select all that apply Knowledge Confidence Clinical Skills Management Skills I plan on implementing new clinical and/or staff protocols/policies/procedures as a result of this course.* Yes No Do you foresee running into any barriers while trying to implement changes to your practice/patient care?* Yes No If yes, please specifyWould you recommend this course to another optometrist?* Yes No If no, why not?