SECO Survey - Part 3 1. When did you first implement an EHR system in your office? 1-7 years ago 7-10 years ago More than 10 years ago 2. How did you hear about our event? Facebook LinkedIn 3. How far did you travel to come to the conference? Over 500 miles 100-500 miles 21-99 miles 20 miles or less 4. SECO trivia: What year was the organization started? 1983 1943 1923 1903 5. What was your biggest take away from the conference? Tips from sessions Valuable business connections New products for my practice 6. Which vendors (exhibitors) do you like the most so far? Alcon Allergan Bausch + Lomb CooperVision Essilor HOYA Johnson & Johnson Luxottica Shire Sun Ophthalmics VSP 7. What is the best way to handle Q & A sessions after presentations? Separate meetup Microphone Event app 8. Do you provide co-managemed care in your practice? Yes No NA 9. What percentage of your time is practice management verses patient care? 1 to 25% 26 to 50% More than 50% NA 10. Are you effectively delegating appropriate testing to technicians to maximize your efficiency and profitability? Yes No NA 11. Technological advances in examination, is your practice leading, maintaining or behind the profession? Leading Maintaining Behind NA 12. What percentage of all optometric procedures is your practice equipped to perform? 79% or less 80% 90% 100% NA 13. Are you currently performing advance practice procedures in laser? Yes No NA 14. Do you prescribe contact lenses with slow release glaucoma medication? Yes No NA 15. What is the median age of your current patient load? Less than 30 30 to 40 Over 40 NA